Summer Hair Care Tips for Natural Hair
Summa time is right around the corner! You all know what that means: humidity and heat. With warmer weather approaching, it's time to adjust your hair care routine to have your tresses flourish throughout the warmer months. Down below are 7 tips to keep your mane looking gorgeous during the summer months.
Tip 1: Summertime Trims
Start off the summer season with a trim to cut off all those dead ends. Split ends do not retain any moisture and could end up damaging your natural hair, since split ends travel up the hair shaft. Reviving your winter curls with a fresh trim can help your curls flourish throughout the summertime!
Tip 2: Condition/Co-Wash More Often
You probably know that curly hair only needs to be washed one to two times a week. However, your hair may be feeling a bit drier than usual during the warmer months. Even though your hair does not need to be washed as often, you should try to co-wash in between your wash days. Start by using your favorite co-wash and then following up with a deep conditioner, such as our Avocado Infusion Restorative Conditioner, and your hair will love you for it! Adding in a little midweek rehydration session is sure to have curls poppin’ all summer long!
Tip 3: Add a Pre-Poo into Your Wash Day
In the summer, your hair may be drier than usual. One way to combat that is pre-pooing! Pre-poo is a technique where product is added to your hair before your shampooing step. This acts as a protective layer to the hair before shampooing. This technique is super helpful in the summertime because shampooing can strip moisture from your hair. So what can you use as pre-poo? Some people have used oils such as avocado oil, coconut oil or our Nourishing Hair Oil. Apply your oil and then follow up with a shampoo and conditioner such as our Avocado Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner and you will see a huge boost of hydration in your tresses.
Tip 4: Detox Hair with ACV Rinse
When my hair looks super frizzy, I love doing Apple Cider Vinegar rinses! This rinse is super easy to do, and you also probably have all the ingredients right in your home. All you need is apple cider vinegar and water to dilute it. Mix them together and work this rinse into your hair while showering. This rinse leaves my hair feeling so soft after showering and the amount of frizz I have after I use this rinse is almost nonexistent!
Photo by Tahiti Spears on Unsplash
Tip 5: Protective Styles
Whether it's braids, cornrows, etc. these hairstyles are a great way to change up your look while still protecting your hair. These styles not only keep your hair out of your face and off your neck, but they also protect your ends and prevent excessive breakage and dryness. Popular protective styles for the summer include:
- Buns
- Braids
- Cornrows
- Twists
Tip 6: Make Sure You are Drinking Water
I know this may sound simple, but if your body is dehydrated, your hair will be too! Many doctors and health specialists recommend about 64 oz of water a day. This is 8 glasses of water or two 32oz water bottles. If you are a non-water drinker, try adding fruits such as lemons, limes or strawberries into your water to boost the flavor!
Tip 7: Protect Your Curls While Swimming
We have a blog post that goes more in depth about swimming with natural hair here. It’s the summertime, you're bound to go swimming at some point. Whether it's in a pool or in the ocean, it is important to remember to clarify your hair the same day you get home from swimming. Using clarifying shampoos right after swimming will help get all the chlorine and/or sea salt out of your hair.
We hope that these 7 tips help guide you in your summer hair care journey! Let us know in the comments what tips you'll try or tips that you love and want to share. For more tips click here or keep up with us on Facebook and Instagram.