Kinky Tresses Blog
What To Do When You're Bored With Your Natural Hair
Are you feeling bored with your natural hair? Don't worry we've got you covered! We've gathered 6 different tips to help you through your styling rut.
Fall Is Here! Time To Refresh Your Natural Hair
The first day of Fall is officially here! You know what that means. Time to give your curls a much needed refresh from the summertime heat and humidity. We've gathered 5 tips to help you start off the fall season with beautiful, luscious curls!
Natural Hair: How To Prevent Single Strand Knots
Are you struggling with single strand knot? We know how frustrating this can be, so we've shared some helpful tips to help minimize the appearance of single strand knots!
How To Be A Lazy Natural Without Neglecting Your Hair
Cutting back on heavy manipulation is key to adopting a "lazy" hair care routine. Adopting this routine also helps with length retention. Here are some easy tips to help you become a "lazy" natural without neglecting your hair.
How to Turn Wash Day into Wash Hour!
Are you dreading wash day? Does wash day take ALL day? Look no further! Kinky Tresses has got you covered with 4 easy tips you can incorporate into your wash day!
Natural Hair Feeling Dry? Here's How To Fix It .
Hair feeling dry? We're dropping some gems on how to keep your hair moisturized all week long!
Natural Hair and Swimming | 4 Essential Tips
It's summer time! Time to jump in the pool and soak up the sun! Before you do, it's important to take a few extra minutes to protect your hair from harmful chemicals such as chlorine. This blog post will list a few tips to help protect your tresses while swimming this summer!
Natural Hair Shrinkage Is Real. Here are 6 Easy Tips to Combat Shrinkage!
Natural Hair Shrinkage Is Real. It's a natural characteristic of curly hair and it cannot be totally prevented. You can however learn to work with it by using methods and techniques to minimize the level of shrinkage that you experience. Here are 6 easy tips to help you combat shrinkage.
Did You Color Your Natural Hair? Here Are 5 Tips to Help Keep Your Tresses Healthy.
Did you color your natural curly hair? Are you thinking about coloring your natural hair? Here are 5 tips to keep your tresses healthy after coloring!